
We often become negligent in adopting sustainable practices in our daily lives, as we find it difficult to relate ourselves with nature. As an Individual sustainable consultant, we help you to understand the importance of being sustainable just not to save the environment but also to improve your overall wellbeing. It’s an absolute truth what we do we get back and thus each step towards sustainability offers you a better living.

About us

Services for Individual Sectors

We work hands-on to offer the individuals a Mindfully Sustainable lifestyle. We provide personalized, cutting-edge, and contemporary solutions for today's on-the-go and thrifty individuals. We analyze your current situation, identify the best practices to implement and design an action plan that is specific to your needs and help you to restrict your contribution to carbon emission. The job is not just about implementing eco-friendliness in your daily life, but also creating awareness through continuous engagement with experts and other like-minded people. We work with our clients to achieve their sustainability goals using technology, innovation, and well-defined processes for their overall wellbeing. Our aim is to help you go green at the right pace, by sharing our knowledge and experience of living sustainably with you. Our unique consultation includes spiritual practices, yoga & meditation, nutrition & health, fashion & lifestyle products.

Our Services

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We treat every individual with due respect and secure their privacy.

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We welcome you to share your personal, official or social issues with us.

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We design our services according to the individual needs of the person.

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We help you to get yourself educated about several sustainability practices and why it’s important for you.

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We help you in building a green environment at your home and office.

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We help you in recycling and thus save your utility cost.

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We make you to adopt several sustainable lifestyles.

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We help you to design your wardrobe in a sustainable way.

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We help you to follow a sustainable skin and hair care routine.

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We work as a sustainable fashion consultant to help you to follow the current sustainable fashion trend and dress specifically according to your need and events.

About us
Our special service for the families having children with Autism

Although sustainable lifestyle is important for all, but for the autistic children and for their parents it’s extremely important.

It has often been observed that, a sustainable lifestyle improves the quality of life and help the autistic children to lower down their anxiety level, improves their attention level, lower down the hyperactivity, boost up their immune system and overall help them to lead a better and healthy lives.


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We provide counselling to the parents to identify the areas of work to become sustainable.

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We help the parents to eliminate the toxic environment from the home and around the home.

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We guide the parents to offer sustainable foods to their autistic children.

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We guide the parents to go for a green environment.

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We guide the parents to identify hazardous food items, cosmetics and daily essentials which often triggers the negative behaviors and sensory issues among the children.

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We help the parents to engage their autistic children meaningfully with several activities related with nature.

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We provide several sustainable and natural solution to combat several issues related to autism.

Let’s build a Sustainable Future, Together!